Reino dos Dois Mares البحرين: Boa notícia - A good news


Boa notícia - A good news

O Brasil e o Bahrain pensam em aumentar suas relações de amizade através da abertura de   embaixadas em cada um dos países.

Este acordo foi concluído durante uma reunião realizada na capital dos EUA, Washington pelo Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, Ministro das Relações Exteriores juntamente com o Sr. Antônio Patriota, o Ministro das Relações Exteriores do Brasil.

A reunião analisou em curso o desenvolvimento de relações bilaterais de cooperação entre o Reino do Bahrain e do Brasil, em particular, as áreas de investimento e desenvolvimento, em consonância com as prioridades brasileiras que estão atualmente focando o desenvolvimento do Brasil nas zonas do interior.

Manama (BNA) - (01/06/2011) - MYZ/EM

Estou torcendo pra que isso ocorra logo. :D

Bahrain and Brazil agree on strengthing its relations through opening embassie

01/06/2011Manama (BNA) -- The Kingdom of Bahrain and the Federative Republic of Brazil seeked to strengthen the friendly relations between the two countries.

Consequently, opening embassies of both countries in each was agreed upon. This agreement was concluded during a meeting held in the U.S. capital Washington by Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, Minister of Foreign Affairs with his counterpart Mr. Antonio Patriota, Minister of External Relations of Brazil.

The meeting reviewed the ongoing developing bilateral relations of cooperation between the Kingdom and Brazil, in particular, areas of investment and development, in line with the Brazilian priorities which are currently focusing on Brazil's inland areas development.

During the meeting regional issues were discussed on the latest progressive change in a number of countries, emphasising the importance of community-oriented reforms, as well as the Middle East situation and its peace process and settlements.

Font: Itamaraty 

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